Privacy protection in the United States

In recent years, privacy protection has become a key issue for companies and nations around the world. While the European Union led the way by introducing the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in 2018, the United States has faced several challenges in developing a  U.S. federal privacy law, though various federal laws cover different aspects of data privacy, like health data, financial information or children’s data. While the wait is on for a comprehensive federal privacy law (the United States has introduced a comprehensive data privacy legislation (ADPPA) that might receive enough bipartisan support to become law), to date, there is still no data privacy regulation at the federal level.

Many states, however, have already enacted their own consumer privacy laws, with California (through the amendments to the CCPA), Virginia, Colorado, Connecticut, and Utah becoming effective this year. Several others are following in their footsteps and have passed laws that will become effective in 2024-2026 (e.g., Indiana, Iowa, Montana, Tennessee, Texas). Regardless of whether the ADPPA will see the light of day, a federal privacy law is inevitable.

In the meantime, companies must comply with the privacy laws of the State where they do or intend to do business. Our professionals will assist you with developing comprehensive privacy policies that account for the state-specific requirements and assist with tailored data security measures and controls. 

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