Real Estate and Patrimony Management
The security of the future is built in the present

PFL lawyers have many years of experience advising on the management of patrimonies, including real estate assets, and providing counsel on strategies to enhance growth and value.

Our team works closely with clients drafting the necessary documents for real estate and capital transactions, always paying attention to any critical issues which could potentially arise in the future. In fact, part of our work consists of studying and organizing matters in a way that our clients’ assets are always positioned for growth and protection.

Letters of Intent

Our legal team has a vast experience advising clients on the drafting and review of letters of intent presented during negotiations – at both the national and international levels.

Trust funds

Today more than ever there is a need to invest, to create a heritage, and to provide for one’s heirs through the establishment of special trust funds. It is a complex topic full of unknowns – both economic ones and legal ones.
PFL works closely together with clients providing legal counsel on the choice and management of the most suitable trust fund structure for their unique requirements – from revocable ones to those dedicated to the protection of assets – in order to be proactive in the management of any risks stemming from unexpected events.

Power of Attorney

Our lawyers can also act as a power of attorney with the written authorization of the client. This will allow the firm to act on their behalf even if there are matters covered by secrecy.

Lease Management

PFL has a wealth of experience advising clients on lease contracts which are best suited to their needs depending on the type of real estate asset for rent. This is in addition to the drafting and review of lease agreements. If at any point a lease agreement is violated, for example when tenants don’t pay or if they act in a harassing manner, our team will provide legal counsel on speeding up eviction procedures.

Buying and selling real estate

One of our first tasks when providing counsel to a client purchasing a real estate asset, for private use or for investment purposes, is to ensure that everything is in order with the property and there are no outstanding mortgages on the property or other expenses to pay. Additional controls are also made to confirm that the property is free from constraints which would prevent our client from using the property the way they would like to.
Once it has been understood that a property has no outstanding debts or restrictions, our real estate team drafts and reviews all of the documentation required for the purchase, or sale, of a property.

About Us

A human approach to the practice of law – working closely in partnership with clients from start to finish.

Contact Us

PFL works closely with clients in every situation, supporting them with professionals who provide counsel on numerous specialized areas of law.