Italian Civil Law
Italian civil law in its broadest sense

Our legal team assists clients with Italian civil law in the broadest sense, involving a vast range of matters.

PFL provides counsel on matters of life and death – including prenuptial agreements and the preparation and enforcement of wills.

Understanding the matter at hand

In certain situations in order to resolve a dispute it is necessary to ascertain whether or not a specific right actually exists. If the assessment provided by legal counsel reveals that no right can be claimed, then there is no basis for going ahead with a legal case. This is a very fundamental aspect of providing legal counsel.

Protection of Rights

When one speaks of real rights, the legal focus shifts from the individual to the actual object in question. For example, it may concern the right to enjoy a specific object/property, such as the right to live in a specific house or the right to use the furniture that was already inside.
Since the discussion of real rights concerns objects and not people, there can be disputes about which individuals can enjoy them and within what limits. PFL’s goal is always to avoid disputes relating to these types of matters through the creation of clear and tailor-made contracts.
When required, and only if it is unavoidable, PFL provides legal assistance on any contentious situation – in and out of court.


Real rights controversies can often be avoided by being proactive in planning what will happen to assets once someone passes away.
Our legal team assists individuals and families with succession planning and inheritance in order to avoid conflicts between heirs and protect their rights. This type of proactiveness is essential especially for anyone who has a disabled child or relative who they would like to provide for – for example with the use a house or a small annuity for life.
Here PFL works closely together with clients assisting on the drafting of wills and, where required, also setting up any relevant trusts.

Prenuptial Agreements

The PFL team works with individuals and families to develop prenuptial agreements, family pacts, and patrimonial funds to create clarity and transparency in terms of finances, assets, and expectations before a union between two people, in whatever form, takes place.

Judicial & Extrajudicial Proceedings

PFL is well versed in providing legal assistance to clients with negotiations and the definition of out-of-court agreements in any situation where mediation is mandatory.
Even when the presence of a lawyer is not mandatory, PFL provides legal counsel to clients on the best course of action – assisting with practical aspects of the matter. In this way, the client has the knowledge to better manage any mediation which they may have to undertake on their own.

Medical Malpractice

Our team has extensive experience advising those working in the medical and healthcare sectors when claims of civil liability arise through their professional work. This includes, but is not limited to, claims of alleged errors committed by doctors or nurses in the exercise of their profession.
Medical liability is a broad and complex area, which requires both a specialized lawyer and particular attention to the client. These types of legal matters can have delicate implications to take into account – which is why a human approach to the law is as important as ever.

About Us

A human approach to the practice of law – working closely in partnership with clients from start to finish.

Contact Us

PFL works closely with clients in every situation, supporting them with professionals who provide counsel on numerous specialized areas of law.