Corporate Restructurings
Before giving up on a business look at restructuring it

Improving the efficiency of a business activity by reviewing its internal mechanisms can change its destiny – making the difference between its demise or its rebirth.

PFL provides legal counsel, to businesses of all sizes, on all the phases necessary to restructure a company.  The aim here is to contain any losses and improve efficiency. When required, our team can provide counsel on acquisitions, sales, and bankruptcy processes.

Our team applies individualized best practice for each specific situation. No two restructuring processes are alike hence it is important to treat each case for the unique matter that it is. Our lawyers work closely together with outside consultants, managers and tax professionals to obtain the best results possible for our clients and their business activities.

Pre-bankruptcy and Bankruptcy Procedures

Our team works closely together with clients to analyze the current state of their business activity – and, when required, guides them through pre-bankruptcy and bankruptcy procedures. This includes assisting with the preparation of liquidation plans and defining settlement agreements while also ensuring that the regulations outlined in the Italian Business Crisis Code are closely followed.

Rescue Plan Preparation

PFL works closely with tax advisors and managers to avoid bankruptcy and to save, where possible, business activities. We realize that no corporate crisis will ever be the same as another – and this is why legal counsel in this area must always be tailored to the individual needs of the client and their unique situation.

Recovery Plans

PFL also works with clients to avoid the need for rescues plan through the use of extraordinary recovery plans. This procedure allows clients to optimize business processes, identify their strengths as well as the critical issues which need to be resolved.

Public and Private Funding

One of the benefits of recovery plans is the ability to identify potential public and private funding – which at times can even be non-refundable. Our team works alongside of clients providing legal counsel on the search and selection process for the most suitable solutions in this area. If a business activity has all of the correct requisites, then our team can prepare a funding application according to the methods and timing required.

About Us

A human approach to the practice of law – working closely in partnership with clients from start to finish.

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PFL works closely with clients in every situation, supporting them with professionals who provide counsel on numerous specialized areas of law.