Corporate Law
From company formation to development – we are by your side

The PFL legal team has an established experience advising on a wide range of corporate law matters – including assisting with certain types of corporate administration throughout the life of the business activity.

Laying the groundwork, launching the company, drafting contacts, legal strategy, and corporate bureaucracy – our legal team not only works to provide counsel but also more importantly to educate entrepreneurs about their fiduciary duties and also provide advice on shareholder relationships and communication.

Company creation and management

In Italy there are many different types of companies – each with more positive or more negative aspects depending on the business goals. PFL works with clients to advise on the best company model based on the type of business they are launching, also with an eye to its future development.
Once a company is established our team continues to work with the client and the company’s senior managers providing counsel on the rules that govern the internal mechanisms of the business and ensuring that they are always kept up to date on any changes to regulations which may impact their operations. PFL can also draft codes of conduct for managers and employees in order to protect the interests of both the business and its workforce.

Shareholders’ Agreements

The PFL team can draft shareholder agreements so that the principles for stabilizing the ownership structure of any business activities are in writing. This also includes agreements with stakeholders, trade unions, and when required with minority shareholders.

Share Liquidation

There are times when shareholders want to liquidate their shares. Here our legal team works with either the company or with the shareholder(s) to make sure that the dissolution of the share ownership is correctly undertaken according to the regulations in force at the time.

Corporate Governance & Shareholders’ Meetings

The PFL team has an established history of closely collaborating with in-house legal teams, general counsel as well as boards of directors and shareholders – providing counsel, legal opinions, and information on corporate governance.

About Us

A human approach to the practice of law – working closely in partnership with clients from start to finish.

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PFL works closely with clients in every situation, supporting them with professionals who provide counsel on numerous specialized areas of law.